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- TWSBI Diamond 580 fountain pen reviewThe TWSBI Diamond 580 frequently features in Top 5 lists and this is because it’s a very good pen. It’s a good size and weight. Everything about the pen suggests solid reliability. All clear fountain pens are described as demonstrators but in the TWSBI Diamond 580’s case the word really does seem apt: all the pen’s ...
- J Herbin Lie de TheThis ink really does look like strong black tea that’s been spilled on the page. It’s appropriately named in the exact way Diamine Teal isn’t. J. Herbin inks are always either watery or delicate, depending on whether you like them or not. I do, I think they’re beautiful, and Lie de Thé is no exception. It ...
- Sakura Pigma Micron drawing pen reviewThe Sakura Pigma Micron is an excellent drawing pen that is also pretty nifty for writing with. It’s my pen of choice for sketchnoting primarily because it dries quickly and tends not to smudge when I’m filling in with colour. There are a range of tip sizes from 005, writing a 0.2mm line, to 08, writing ...
- Diamine Teal ink reviewThis is a lovely and unusually coloured ink. I’m not at all sure it’s actually what I’d consider ‘teal’, it’s much more a dark blue with the barest hint of green (if you squint a bit and look out of the corner of your eye, in the right light). I sometimes wonder about Diamine’s naming. ...
- Sailor Reglus fountain pen reviewI’d had my eye on this particular Sailor for while. Sexy and slim… and orange: how could I resist? Particularly when a brand new one came up on eBay for a bargain price. It was meant to be. It’s hard to capture quite how shimmery and lovely the fairly slim resin barrel of this pen is. ...