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- Rhodia No. 16 Block Notepad reviewRhodia is pretty much standard issue for anyone who takes an interest in fountain pens. In fact, since I wrote this review and queued it up, Gourmet Pens and A Fool With A Pen both published much better reviews of the same paper. So much better, in fact, that I was going to pull this ...
- Noodler Ahab fountain pen reviewI do not entirely know what I think of this pen, despite having had it for a while. The Noodler Ahab is a flex pen. It is very reasonably priced. It is a plunger filler and holds approximately 5 gallons of ink. My model is the Carnilan Honey Demonstator. It looks groovy. (I’m growing increasingly fond ...
- Diamine Eau de Nil ink reviewContinuing the theme of beautiful must-have inks, here is Diamine’s Eau de Nil. Nile Water. Having looked at a few pictures of the Nile I think it perhaps depends where on the Nile you are. But in this particular part, it’s a very lovely colour indeed. There’s some shading too. And it’s very quick drying. ...
- Calepino Large Notebooks review and giveawayI am, it is safe to say, a huge fan of Calepino notebooks. They look great, the small sized ones are a good price, they’re durable and the paper is fantastic. I use them all time: for work, for a pocket book, to write down three-plus-one good things each day, to plan out my days ...
- e+m Workman Long Clutch Pencil reviewe+m is a German company which began in 1899 making nib holders. They were forced to move away from pen products following the ravages of Word War 2. In 1983 the family-owned company once again started making wooden writing instruments and now produce a range of clutch pencils, ballpoints and accessories. The e+m Workman Long Clutch ...