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- Noodler’s Polar Brown ink reviewThis is a good earthy brown that dries quickly. However, it takes feathering to a whole new level. Any ink that can feather on Rhodia paper with an extra-fine nib is quite impressive. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Edit: Peninkcillin did a great review of this same ink and found very different properties. My bottle feathers ...
- Rhodia pencil reviewThose of you who have spent more than a minute looking at this site will know I rather like Rhodia notebooks. They are the notebooks by which I judge all others. If any of you have spent more than two minutes looking at this site you will also know I rather like things that are ...
- De Atramentis Archive Ink reviewThis is my first review of a black ink because, let’s face it, black is not all that exciting. (This is coming from someone who not so long ago only wrote in black.) However, what makes De Atramentis Archive Ink special is that it is, in the words of The Writing Desk (who kindly supplied this ...
- Noodler’s Konrad fountain pen reviewA good pen is a pen that brings you joy when you pick it up and write. That has nothing to do with price, nib goldiness, filling mechanism or any other objective quality. It’s hard to define and it will be different for every individual person. The Noodler’s Konrad is, in our little pen-world, dead ...
- Pelikan Brown ink reviewPelikan Brown ink is a beautiful warm brown with good dry times and some shading. Here I am doodling the Inkling.