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  • Da Vinci stone paper & Kickstarter campaignDa Vinci stone paper & Kickstarter campaign
    The Da Vinci Notebook is a Kickstarter campaign that finishes on Thursday 24 April 2014. As I write this it has reached more than twice its funding goal. Da Vinci Notebooks use bleach free and wood free paper. In fact the paper is made in an environmentally friendly way using stone. Nick Romer, the Da Vinci ...
  • Faber-Castell Grip 2011 Ballpoint pen reviewFaber-Castell Grip 2011 Ballpoint pen review
    I am not the best person to review ballpoints, I must admit. They have their place, I know, but they will never, for me, be as good to use as any other kind of pen. Having said that, thanks to Pure Pens I have one of these Faber-Castell Grip 2011 Ballpoints so I felt I should ...
  • Muji Fountain Pen reviewMuji Fountain Pen review
    I’d been after the Muji Fountain Pen for some time. I like the Muji aesthetic: simple, stylish, functional, unbranded. This fountain pen is very much in this vein. It’s a simple aluminium tube with a nib at one end. The nib is scratchy and uninspiring. It’s a standard ‘iridium point’ nib, about a German fine in ...
  • Kokuyo NeoCritz Transformer pencil case reviewKokuyo NeoCritz Transformer pencil case review
    When I first saw the name of this I got entirely the wrong idea about what Transformer meant. I had visions of robots and terrible sequels and never being able to get the toys back the way they were. Fortunately I eventually worked out that these were something different. The transformation comes when you peel back ...
  • Monteverde Green ink reviewMonteverde Green ink review
    This is a fine green ink. I can’t say it’s spectacular or unusual in any way but it’s an interesting colour and it’s a good reliable ink. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Thank you to The Writing Desk for sending me this sample. If you would like to buy this ink direct from The Writing Desk ...