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- Pelikan Edelstein Amber ink reviewThis is a lovely ink! How often do I say that? Rather a lot. I do like inks. I mean it every time though. Some inks are just a fundamentally beautiful colour and, to be honest, that’ll do it for me on its own. But others, like Pelikan Edelstein Amber for example, have character, have ...
- Pilot V7 Hi-Tecpoint rollerball pen reviewThe Pilot V7 Hi-Tecpoint is a refillable rollerball pen, available in a 0.7 size, writing a 0.5mm line, and also a 0.5 size (the V5), and in red, blue, green and red. The black version is properly black, which, sadly, makes a nice change from the grey you so often get. There’s a nice ink window ...
- Faber-Castell e-motion fountain pen reviewUntil I spent rather a lot of money on a Platinum #3776 Sai, this was my favourite pen. It is wonderful in so many ways. I love the shape. It doesn’t look as if you ought to be able to write with it for more than a few minutes but it’s actually very comfortable to ...
- Organics Studio Copper Turquoise ink reviewOrganics Studio have great branding and make lovely inks. This is a turquoise with character. It’s fairly quick drying, is a great colour and has some decent shading going on too. It’s going to get quite frequent use, I suspect. Monsieur notebook, Rotring Esprit medium nib
- Diamine Cult Pens Deep Dark Red InkThis is really lovely! A very dark and saturated red ink, almost brown… but not quite. Some inks make you want to pick up a pen, any pen, and write; this is one of them. Have I mentioned it’s lovely? It is! Very lovely. And dark and red. azande asked: How does compare to Diamine Oxblood? Diamine ...