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  • Pentel Energel 07 gel ink pen review
    I think this was a freebie from the lovely Cult Pens people. Not because they sent me it to review but because they nearly always throw something in for free with every order. This is because they are great. But not so great that they send me things to review. Which they should. The pen itself ...
  • Rotring Freeway fountain pen review
    This is a solidly made metal pen. It’s well put together although perhaps a little basic in its design. It reminds me a little of school. As for the nib… it’s firm, to say the least. It is a nib that could be used to smash glass in case of emergency. It is a ...
  • Diamine Beau Blue ink review
    Another lovely shade of blue from Diamine. The colour looks a bit washed out in this photo but that’s actually a fair reflection of this ink. It’s a very pale and delicate colour. Too pale for me for day to day writing because, particularly with medium or fine nibs, it’s hard to read. If you’re ...
  • Noodler Nib Creaper fountain pen review
    I like this pen. Why is it spelled Creaper and not Creeper though? I don’t know. Like the success of Downton Abbey, it’s one of life’s great mysteries. This is a pen with a flex nib and try as I might I can’t get the hang of it. So I just use it as a normal ...
  • Diamine Asa Blue ink review
    There is certainly a part of me that wishes Diamine would just make one or two lovely blue inks and call it a day. The part of me that wishes that is the part that is connected to my dwindling bank account. (Actually, dwindled, not dwindling.) The rest of me is very glad of so ...