Montblanc Albert Einstein ink review

Montblanc Albert Einstein ink review

Montblanc Albert Einstein ink review

Montblanc Albert Einstein is a limited edition ink from 2013. It can still be found but at slightly silly prices. Many thanks to Chris Stafford for sending me this sample.

Here I am doodling the Inkling.

This is a very wet ink but dries quickly. I see a hint of yellow in this, which I actually quite like. I’ve not seen anyone else mention a yellow tint to Albert Einstein (the ink, that is) so maybe it’s just me.

Montblanc Albert Einstein Inkling doodle

You can find some more reviews of Montblanc Albert Einstein ink on Pennaquod.

1 thought on “Montblanc Albert Einstein ink review

  1. Not a neutral grey.
    “hint of yellow” …. at first I thought there was a hint of silver then purple in my bottle, I can’t decide but I like it.
    Maybe there is some yellow – have to observe it again in a wider nib.

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