Generals Calendar Pencil branding

General’s Calendar Pencil Review

Generals Calendar Pencil review

The General’s Cedar Pointe is one of my favourite pencils so I was looking forward to trying another one of their range, the Calendar pencil.

Price: $0.70
Lead grade options: No. 2 (HB, but more like 2H in this pencil)
Barrel colours: yellow
Barrel shape: hexagonal
Eraser?: no

This is a simple pencil. There are no nasty barcodes, just shiny green lettering on one side. This has not been printed on very well, being quite patchy in places. Green on yellow is not a colour combo that does it for me, either.

Generals Calendar Pencil branding

The lead is hard and a little scratchy. It’s more like a 2H than an HB, being quite light on the page. It erases okay, sharpens cleanly and keeps its point well.

Generals Calendar Pencil pointy bit

This is a cheap pencil that isn’t worth the money. The Cedar Pointe, from the very same company, costs only a tiny bit more and is great. The Calendar pencil is a disappointment.

Generals Calendar Pencil sharpening


As least it didn’t cost much


Hard scratchy lead
Poor quality finish

Generals Calendar Pencil handwritten review

2 thoughts on “General’s Calendar Pencil Review

  1. I like this pencil a lot based on the light weight, length, and shape as well as the way it writes.

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