Julia on New Year’s Day (sketch)

Julia and I go for a walk by the sea every New Year’s Day. This picture was drawn using Noodler’s Lexington Gray ink. I started it using my Platinum #3776 Sai until I realised that repeatedly dotting a piece of paper with the nib of my most expensive pen perhaps wasn’t the most sensible idea,…

Noodler’s Ink Sampler giveaway winners

I clearly don’t have very many European readers because there weren’t a lot of entries for this. On the one hand, that’s a shame because they’re great inks (mostly) but on the other hand it means I can bend the rules a little and send the prize of sets of four Noodler’s ink samples to…

Kaweco ink cartridge giveaway

Kaweco have a range of eight inks most of which are very lovely. Some are really quite special. One is a little bit horrid. Kaweco were kind enough to send me one of each ink in a bottle and in packs of six cartridges. I am giving away the full set of cartridges to one…

Kaweco Caramel Brown ink review

Kaweco Caramel Brown ink review

This is the last of the eight inks Kaweco sent me to review. It’s the last because I’ve been putting off trying it. A Fool With a Pen described it as hideous and he and I often have very similar tastes, so I wasn’t looking forward to using Caramel Brown at all. Was he right?…

Pilot Iroshizuku Kiri-Same (Autumn Shower) ink review

Despite Informal Scribble’s praise of Pilot Iroshizuku Kiri-Same in his wonderful review, I would not personally have chosen a grey ink. This bottle was a Christmas present. It turns out that Mr Scribble was completely correct and this is a beautiful ink. There’s so much shading, it goes from pale grey to not far off…
