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- Story Supply Co Pocket Staple Notebook ReviewStory Supply is an American company with a wonderful ethic. In their own words, they partner “with organizations who provide free tutoring, writing, and arts instruction to kids in under-served communities” by setting aside a Supply Kit with every purchase: Story Supply Kits will include notebooks and writing tools or other items that will ...
- Twiss Green Lizard Fountain Pen ReviewThe Green Lizard is handmade by John Twiss here in the UK. It’s been made especially for United Inkdom and once we’ve all reviewed it we’ll be giving it away! This is a very special pen, for reasons that will soon become clear. The pen comes with three JoWo steel nibs: fine, medium and 1.1mm stub. ...
- Stabilo Worker Rollerball ReviewRollerball ink isn’t the most practical, tending not to be waterproof and prone to feathering. However I find them very enjoyable to write with and if I’m not using a fountain pen it’s more than likely it will be a rollerball of some kind that I pick up instead. I received this item as part payment ...
- Pelikan Stola III Fountain Pen ReviewPelikan are best known for their luxury pens but the Stola is firmly at the opposite end of the price spectrum. It’s a chance to own a Pelikan pen without breaking the bank. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sending me this pen to review. These are my own honest opinions. It’s currently making the ...
- Platinum Double Action R3 Multipen ReviewPlatinum make a few different multipens and I reviewed one of them way back in October 2014. This pen is a step up from that plastic version but costs only a couple of pounds more. I was able to get this pen at a discount thanks to Cult Pens’ support of the site. These are ...