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  • Steel and Flint Pen Quick LookSteel and Flint Pen Quick Look
    The Steel and Flint Pen is being launched on Kickstarter tomorrow for an early bird price of £45. They were kind enough to send me a prototype to take a look at. I’ve only had it a few days so this is just a quick look rather than a full review. The pen’s made from anodised ...
  • Derwent Inktense Watercolour PencilsDerwent Inktense Watercolour Pencils
    Here’s a sketch I did a few weeks ago on a sunny autumn’s day by the sea. I really enjoy this combination of ink and watercolour pencils. Using pencils rather than paint helps to stop me overworking a picture, a constant battle I have with myself. These Derwent Inktense pencils are available in seventy-two different colours ...
  • Sheaffer Intensity Fountain Pen ReviewSheaffer Intensity Fountain Pen Review
    I only bought the Sheaffer Intensity because it was on offer. It turned out to be one of those lovely occasions when a pen exceeds your expectations. However, don’t jump to buy one just yet. Price: around £50 (seems to be hard to find this particular version anywhere but Amazon or eBay); however I paid £13 Nib ...
  • Montblanc Corn Poppy Red Ink ReviewMontblanc Corn Poppy Red Ink Review
    I find most of Montblanc’s standard range of inks to be quite disappointing but Corn Poppy Red is an exception. I absolutely love this colour. It also dries quickly and has some gorgeous shading. You can find some more reviews of Montblanc Corn Poppy Red on Pennaquod. The Pen Shop sent me a couple of cartridges of ...
  • Lamy Safari Fountain Pen ReviewLamy Safari Fountain Pen Review
    This site is over three years old and I’ve not reviewed the Lamy Safari until now. How can that be? Perhaps because it’s never been new: the Safari was the first fountain pen I bought as a proper grown up. (Also the first, and so far only, fountain pen I lost.) If you live in ...