Kaweco Midnight Blue ink review

Kaweco Midnight Blue ink review

Kaweco Midnight Blue ink review

This is another great ink from Kaweco. It’s a classic good old-fashioned blue black, with just a little shading and quite a lot of character. All the Kaweco inks I’ve tried so far (which is most of them) have flowed well and dried quickly and this is no exception.

Here I am doodling the Inkling.

I’ve reviewed a few Kaweco inks now and almost all of them have been pleasant surprises. I’ve seen other people say the same. Why does it come as a surprise that Kaweco inks are good? Perhaps because the range is quite small? I don’t know. Any thoughts?

Kaweco Midnight Blue Inkling

Thank you once again to Kaweco for sending me this ink to review and keep. I’ve tried not to let their generosity influence my views.

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