Diamine Cult Pens Deep Dark Blue Ink Review

Diamine Cult Pens Deep Dark Blue Ink Review

A lovely dark blue (the clue is in the name) with just a touch of red if it pools. Not a lot of shading but good flow and good dry times. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Thank you very much to Cult Pens for sending me this ink in exchange for an honest review.

Papier Plume Midnight Blue Ink Review

Papier Plume Midnight Blue Ink Review

This is a very nice blue black. There’s no shortage of choice in blue black inks but this is one of the better ones, which the added advantage of drying very quickly. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Thank you very much to Kyle for introducing me to Papier Plume inks.

Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuki-Yo ink review

Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuki-Yo ink review

This is an absolutely fantastic dark blue ink. It has some lovely shading, dries fairly quickly and looks beautiful. It’s my favourite dark blue. Here I am starting to doodle the Inkling. The camera ran out of memory and I didn’t notice so it comes to a sudden halt.

Kaweco Midnight Blue ink review

Kaweco Midnight Blue ink review

This is another great ink from Kaweco. It’s a classic good old-fashioned blue black, with just a little shading and quite a lot of character. All the Kaweco inks I’ve tried so far (which is most of them) have flowed well and dried quickly and this is no exception. Here I am doodling the Inkling.…
