Private Reserve Tanzanite Ink Review
A fairly unexciting saturated purplish blue. It dries quickly. You can find some more reviews of Private Reserve Tanzanite on Pennaquod.
Graphite Fine Art
A fairly unexciting saturated purplish blue. It dries quickly. You can find some more reviews of Private Reserve Tanzanite on Pennaquod.
A lovely dark blue (the clue is in the name) with just a touch of red if it pools. Not a lot of shading but good flow and good dry times. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Thank you very much to Cult Pens for sending me this ink in exchange for an honest review.
This is a lovely cheery bright turquoise colour. It dries quickly and will behave itself properly in your pen. Here I am doodling the Inkling.
This is a pretty boring blue ink until you get the golden shimmer shining through. Then it’s very pretty. It does need a fat wet nib to make the most out of it. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Here’s the pretty shimmer. Thank you to both Pure Pens and Paul Joynes for sending me…
Pilot Iroshizuku Shin-Kai (deep sea) is a gorgeous blue-black ink with a touch of red about it. The red really shows up where the ink pools. As with all Iroshizuku inks, it’s quick to dry and flows well. Unfortunately the memory card in my camera failed while I was drawing this so there’s no video…