Inklings: Subscriptions and a Giveaway!

Inkling - Private Reserve Orange Crush

An Inkling, like the one above, is a beautiful and fun way to display inks in all their shady colourful glory. As a way of keeping this site running and of celebrating the hundreds of amazing inks there are, I am starting an Inkling Subscription programme.

A Gold Subscription will get you a completely original Inkling every month for $39 a quarter, including postage to anywhere in the world. A Silver Subscription will get you a completely original Inkling every quarter for $15 a quarter including postage to anywhere in the world.

If you’re interested you can sign up here but to celebrate launching the Inkling mission to take over the universe I am having a very special giveaway.

The prize is a Gold Subscription, worth $180: an Inkling every month for a whole year.

To enter, just leave a comment and tell me what your favourite ink is.

The giveaway finishes at 9am GMT 6pm on Saturday 1 March 2014 and the winner will be picked randomly. As an added bonus, if I’m able to get hold of the winner’s favourite ink here in the UK I’ll use that for his or her first Inkling. (If I can’t get hold of it then the winner will get to pick a different ink.) (Note, the site went down just when this giveaway was due to finish so I’ve extended it until this evening.)

(Update 20.2.14: A large part of the cost of the Inkling subscription is shipping. I’ve been able to find a cheaper way of doing this and thus reduce the prices. Everyone who’s already signed up will get a refund for the difference.)

59 thoughts on “Inklings: Subscriptions and a Giveaway!

    1. I don’t know that one. Noodler’s is annoyingly tricky to get hold of in the UK. Sounds really interesting though!!

      Thanks for entering Cissy!

  1. Waterman Violet has been my mainstay for years for its deep, royal tone, though lately I’ve begun to explore other colors and brands.
    Good luck with your endeavor; it’s certainly a wonderful way to spread the fountain pen gospel.

    1. Another beautiful colour! I imagine an Inkling this colour would be a rather passionate being. Thanks for entering!

    1. I’ve just got a sample of that from this month’s Goulet Ink Drop. Looks beautiful! Thanks for entering!

    1. That’s on my to-buy list! I have a feeling this giveaway is going to cost me a fortune. So many great ink ideas! Thanks for entering!

    1. The only reason I haven’t already got that one is because it seems everyone already has it! But perhaps there’s a reason for that and I should just stop being awkward!

    1. Oxblood is a fantastic colour. I don’t know the Noodler’s one but really it’s worth it just for the name!

    1. Another great name for an ink I don’t know! But Ancient Copper is a most wonderful ink.

    1. I don’t have any Sailor inks! Shocking, I know, and something I need to remedy very soon!

    1. Yes it’s impossible to pick one really isn’t it! I love Salamander and Avacado is great too. Akkerman inks do look wonderful – I must buy some!!

    1. That looks an amazing and very interesting ink. Haven’t been able to find it in the UK yet, sadly 🙁

      1. I’ve got it loaded in both my TWSBI Diamond italic and my new favorite Namiki Falcon with a custom grind left oblique flex nib.

  2. Tough… Right now I think I’m liking Diamine Ancient Copper in a fine flex nib.

  3. Good luck with your new venture. Anything purple or turquoise. Some old favorites are Monteverde Purple, Private Reserve Ebony Purple, Sheaffer Turquoise, and Lamy Turquoise

  4. I can’t believe I have pick one! If I were going with the herd, I’d say Ancient Copper, but I’m going to break out and say China Blue.

  5. What an awesome idea! (Love the name, by the way. Am I just imagining the literary reference?)

    I’m quite new to fountain pens, but I’ve fallen in love with J. Herbin’s orange indien and amber de birmanie

  6. Iroshizuku Ink -Ku-jaku Peacock. I’m a bit color blind but I think it looks blue. Thanks

  7. No preference. Simply go with your gut when you’re doodling 🙂 Thank you for another giveaway

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