Wednesday Weekly 14 January 2015


From around the web:

Sketches and Studies: Quote Monday – Je Suis Charlie Also have a look at this fab video of Jane painting, from the week before.
FPGeeks: Watch Jack Row create his Mirage fountain pen in this short film Jack Row’s pens are a little too much for me, in terms of ornamentation and, most definitely, in terms of price, but it’s always fun to see things being made and I like what he says about pens.
A Fool With A Pen: An Electric Friend: A short review of Caran d’Ache Electric Orange Ink A wonderfully written review (as always) of a great looking, though expensive, ink. As you no doubt know, I rather love orange…but… I’ve recently been growing increasingly fond of green, too. No-one is more surprised about this and me.
The Write Tools: of Mr. Mike Dudek
Urban Sketchers: Reflections of a beginning urban sketcher……or what I wish someone had told me at the start of the year. Great advice and great art.

From the site:

Diamine Salamander Ink Review
Bullet Pencil TT Review
London Eye at Dusk (sketch)
An Interview with J. Robert Lennon

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