Diamine Purple Pazzazz Ink Review

Diamine Purple Pazzazz Ink Review

Another of Diamine’s sparkly inks and this one is as overtop in colour as it is in name. Purple with gold sparkles, it’s my daughter’s dream combo. This ink does not do subtle. Here I am doodling the Inkling. To get the best(?!) out of this ink you need to use it with a big…

Pelikan 4001 Violet Ink Review

Pelikan 4001 Violet Ink Review

This is from Pelikan’s standard range of ink and is a pretty average kind of purple. It’s quick to dry but the colour doesn’t really inspire. Here I am doodling the Inkling. You can find some more reviews of Pelikan Violet on Pennaquod.

Pilot Iroshizuku Murasaki Shikibu Ink Review

Pilot Iroshizuku Murasaki Shikibu Ink Review

Murasaki Shikibu means Japanese Beautyberry. This is a very pretty name for a very pretty ink. It’s the first purple ink I’ve found that I really enjoy writing with. It flows well and dries quickly. Here I am doodling the Inkling. This sample was sent to me by Pure Pens, who offer a range of…
