Metaxas Stylos Color Fountain Pen Review

Metaxas Stylos Color Fountain Pen Review

The Stylos Color is a pen I backed on Kickstarter, designed by a gentleman called Kostas Metaxas. Although, as far as I can tell, it isn’t available to buy anywhere, Kostas has just finished his fourth Kickstarter campaign on a variation of this pen (all but the first one being successful) so there’s a fair…

Steel and Flint Pen Quick Look

Steel and Flint Pen Quick Look

The Steel and Flint Pen is being launched on Kickstarter tomorrow for an early bird price of £45. They were kind enough to send me a prototype to take a look at. I’ve only had it a few days so this is just a quick look rather than a full review. The pen’s made from…

Trilogy Zero Fountain Pen Quick Look

Trilogy Zero Fountain Pen Quick Look

I’m still on my sabbatical but I promised Trilogy I’d have a quick look at their new pen and post something about it when they launched their Kickstarter campaign. Think of this as a special bonus episode. The Zero is a deceptively large pen, at a little over 14cm uncapped. It isn’t too heavy though…

Ensso Pen Uno Review

Ensso Pen Uno Review

The Ensso Pen Uno was the result of Kickstarter campaign back at the end of 2015. It was delivered on time and is now available on Kickstarter again, together with a pencil option. This is a review of the pen I received after pledging $25 in the original campaign. Price: $30 through the current Kickstarter…

An Interview with Linda Shrewsbury of CursiveLogic

An Interview with Linda Shrewsbury of CursiveLogic

CursiveLogic is a currently active Kickstarter project project that aims to teach children (or adults) cursive handwriting in four easy lessons. I have backed the project because I think it’s worth supporting though it’s not such an issue here in England. My children (aged 8 and 13) both learned cursive, or as we say here…
