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  • Faber-Castell TK Fine Vario L Mechanical Pencil ReviewFaber-Castell TK Fine Vario L Mechanical Pencil Review
    Mechanical pencils seem to be where companies are trying out new ideas, some of which are useful, some of which are gimmicks. The snappily named Faber-Castell TK Fine Vario L features variable springiness to the tip. I was able to get this pencil at a discount thanks to Cult Pens’ support of the site. These ...
  • Pentel Brush Pen ReviewPentel Brush Pen Review
    I find a brush pen a very useful part of my sketching setup. A few little touches here and there, after drawing the picture in ink, can really give a sketch some depth. I’m looking for several attributes in a brush pen. It needs to have good dark ink that will dry fairly quickly and then ...
  • Pilot Frixion Colour Pen reviewPilot Frixion Colour Pen review
    When I was at school, many many moons ago, I remember how an erasable pen felt like some kind of holy grail. We had to write in pen, we made many many mistakes, and we wanted to obliterate all those mistakes so our teachers would never see. All we got, though, were pens with granite-like ...
  • Venvstas Carbon V Fountain Pen ReviewVenvstas Carbon V Fountain Pen Review
    Updated on 28 April 2017 Lucio Rossi, the man behind Venvstas, got in touch with me soon after this review was published and we’ve exchanged several emails. He had undertaken to replace all the original Carbon V pens with an updated version and made the same offer to me. The new version is better. The finish ...
  • Craft Design Technology Item 35 Notebook ReviewCraft Design Technology Item 35 Notebook Review
    Craft Design Technology commission products from established Japanese manufacturers and rebrand them. The resulting items look great, in a modern minimalist kind of way. Most of their products are sold at premium prices but the cost of this notebook compares favourably with similar items. I was able to get this pen at a discount thanks to ...