Reasons to Write Part Four

12 September 2013 By ian

I’m always looking for excuses to use my pens. What excuses have I found? Excuse four (of five) Write anything at all! This sounds obvious but here’s what I did: I bought a nice notebook (a Rhodia A5 Webnotebook, lined, since you ask) and I gave myself the target of writing at least a side […]

Reasons to Write Part Three

11 September 2013 By ian

I’m always looking for excuses to use my pens. What excuses have I found? Excuse three (of five) Send a card to someone you care about or someone who’s done something you like. You could send a card to a friend or a colleague. Don’t be shy! Everyone loves to get a card that says […]

VW Up grooviness

10 September 2013 By ian

My VW Up is a groovy little car in many ways but one of the grooviest ways that it is groovy is that it has a built in pen and notebook holder. (The pen in question is a Faber-Castell Twice Multipen, in which I have a Hi-Tec-C refill and a Monteverde ballpoint refill.)

Reasons to Write Part Two

10 September 2013 By ian

I’m always looking for excuses to use my pens. What excuses have I found? Excuse two (of five) Politics. I realise this is dangerous ground but I’m not going to tell you which flavour of politics you should go for. For me, it’s Amnesty International because what more obvious cause is there when it comes […]