Nock Co. – Pen Cases Hand Made In The USA
You have backed every pen project launched on Kickstarter. Time to protect your purchases with a Nock Co. pen case.
I knew Monday was going to cost me some money. What I didn’t know was (a) how much money it was going to cost me and (b) whether I would actually want what I was going to spend my money on.
Most of you will already know that on Monday Brad Dowdy and Jeffrey Bruckwicki’s Nock Co launched its Kickstarter pen case project. (Most of you will know this because 70% of you come from Brad’s Pen Addict site!). Now Brad has been good to this site (70% of you come from his Pen Addict site!), is a kind and wonderful person in general (from what I can tell) and has done more than anyone to make it okay for us all to be into pens way-more-than-most-people-would-say-is-healthy (see Pen Addict site!). So whatever Nock Co came out with I knew I would be giving them some of my money.
Luckily… well not luckily because with hindsight I ought to have known it would be great… the pen cases Nock Co have designed are fabulous.
I almost bought them all but then realised that the stress of having to choose between the pen/notebook combos and my lovely Davis Leatherwork notebook covers would prove too much for me. It says a lot about what a clever pair Brad and Jeffery are that they predicted this very issue and put together a set that included everything but the pen/notebook combos. So that’s the one I went for. It also says a lot about Brad’s good taste (for I know in this case (no pun intended) it was he) that they are all available in orange, which is the best colour, except for ink, when dark blue is the best colour, as I think we can all agree.
I’m writing this on Monday evening (this is called preparing) and as I write the project is up to $16 277. That is a lot of pen cases.
Actually, something has just occurred to me. All these years of the Pen Addict site and the Pen Addict podcast have been part of a cunning plan. (As cunning as a fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University, in fact.) Convince us all to buy far more pens than we can possibly safely store and then… pounce… and sell us half a dozen cases a time.
But I digress and, anyway, pens are great and so are these cases, so it’s all good.
So, as I was about to say before the revelation set out above occurred to me, if you haven’t already backed the Nock Co project then go and back it now because either (a) you have lots of pens and need some fantastic cases to keep them in or (b) you need somewhere to keep all the pens you haven’t bought yet. You have no reason not to do this. Do it.