Inked on 21st September 2013

Inked 130921

Faber-Castell Ambition, Faber-Castell e-motion, Pilot Prera, Pilot Elite, A. G. Spalding Maple Wood Orange, Rotring Esprit, Rotring Freeway, Kaweco Classic Sport.

You may spot a couple of themes with the ink…

I thought I’d post the picture with the pens uncapped this week. Sorry it’s not such a great photo, I’m in England which means it’ll be cloudy for the next 8 months or so, which means I don’t have a lot of light with which to take the photos inside and it’s raining (for the next 11 months) so I couldn’t go outside.

Also I seem to have accidentally ended up with three pairs of pens. It wasn’t intentional but it has highlighted the fact that I only have one Kaweco and one A. G. Spalding. Which is a terrible situation to be in.

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