J. Herbin Bleu Pervenche ink review

J Herbin Bleu Pervenche ink review

A very bright turquoisey blue. A little shading. A delicate little ink. Lovely bottle. French.

Me doing the doodle:

Note that I did learn how to spell periwinkle properly between the beginning and the end of writing this review.

J Herbin Bleu Pervenche ink review doodle

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4 thoughts on “J. Herbin Bleu Pervenche ink review

  1. I love Paul! I hope he catches up to the sleigh – nothing like being late to a CHristmas party:( Poor Paul. Great review!

    1. He did manage to catch up in the end. Just in time for a medium dry sherry and a mince pie. He’s warmed up a bit too and is now more of a Rouge Bourgogne than a Bleu Pervenche.

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