Welcome to the new Pens! Paper! Pencils!

A little over three years ago Pens! Paper! Pencils! began on Tumblr (and is in fact still there) as a place where I could share my enthusiasm for pens, paper, and, yes, pencils without boring to death people I knew in real life. What I wanted to do was soon beyond what I could easily accomplish with Tumblr and so I moved to a traditional blog format. Now, over 350 reviews and almost 800 posts later, a blog in its usual pure chronological format isn’t enough.

There are so many excellent pen blogs around these days that there is bound to be at least one for everyone, no matter what your particular preferences. Pens! Paper! Pencils! is a site that I maintain to meet the tastes of one, quite awkward, person: me. I like pictures and not a lot of reading and I like to browse. A blog is great for everyone who wants a constantly updated stream of reviews or news but it isn’t so useful if you like to spend half an hour meandering through a selection of reviews and recommendations while drinking a nice cup of tea. And that is exactly what I like to do.

Hence this new look Pens! Paper! Pencils! On the home page you’ll find a Reviews and Recommendations section. Click or tap on any category and you’ll find links to useful resources and all the reviews I’ve ever done in that category together with a list of recommended products. A pen I reviewed two years ago is just as easy to find as one I reviewed last week.

This change of emphasis comes complete with beautiful new site graphics created by the extremely talented Matthew Morse. I absolutely love what he’s done and am very lucky that he agreed to work with me on this.

Thank you, everyone, for all your support you’ve shown me over the last three years. Here’s to the next chapter.

6 thoughts on “Welcome to the new Pens! Paper! Pencils!

  1. Congratulation Ian on the new chapter, always enjoyed your work and I doubt that will change. I agree you on the talent of Matthew,he did mine as well and I get loads of compliments as yours will too. Here’s to more reading!

  2. Cool! I’m happy to see a complete section for your drawings and watercolors. paints. πŸ™‚

    All the best for the future!

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