Penxo Pencil Review

Penxo Pencil Review

The Penxo is a clutch pencil with a difference. Originally a Kickstarter campaign, which is where I bought mine, it’s now available for pre-order direct from the manufacturer. Price: $29 (includes 12 leads and a mini lead pointer, which isn’t all that good but at least it’s nice to have something) Lead size options: 2mm…

Zebra Delguard Mechanical Pencil Review

I bought my Zebra Delguard pencil after reading a fantastic review on Bleistift. It looked so fascinating I had to try it out for myself. Price: £4.30 (UK, from Japan via Amazon), $7.50 (USA) Lead size options: 0.5mm Barrel options: white, blue, light blue, black, green, pink Size: 13.7cm long, 1.1cm wide Weight: 28g The…

OHTO Promecha 1000P Mechanical Pencil Review

OHTO Promecha 1000P Mechanical Pencil Review

OHTO make one of the best pens ever but their other products can be a bit hit and miss. The Promecha range of mechanical pencils has a good reputation so I was interested in giving this Promecha 1000P model a try. Price: $16.50 (USA) £11 (UK) Lead size options: 0.3mm, 0.5mm. 0.7mm, 0.9mm Barrel options:…

Pentel GraphGear 1000 Mechanical Pencil Review

Pentel GraphGear 1000 Mechanical Pencil Review

Pentel make some wonderful mechanical pencils. The Twist uses the best eraser mechanism there is, the P200 series is one of the best budget pencils and the Graph 1000 has been my top pick for quite some time. Until now. Price: £12.50 (UK), $16.50 (USA) Lead size options: 0.3mm, 0.4mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm, 0.9mm Barrel options:…

Cult Pencil Mechanical Pencil Review

Cult Pencil Mechanical Pencil Review

Cult Pens have teamed up with Kaweco to make a fountain pen, Diamine to make a range of inks and, more recently, a mystery Japanese manufacturer to make this mechanical pencil. This inks are pretty nice (the Deep Dark Orange in particular is gorgeous) and the pen is on my list of things to try…
