Lamy Safari Fountain Pen Review

Lamy Safari Fountain Pen Review

This site is over three years old and I’ve not reviewed the Lamy Safari until now. How can that be? Perhaps because it’s never been new: the Safari was the first fountain pen I bought as a proper grown up. (Also the first, and so far only, fountain pen I lost.) If you live in…

Lamy Linea Fountain Pen Review

Lamy Linea Fountain Pen Review

The Lamy Linea is an aluminium-bodied fountain pen with an interesting herringbone pattern. It takes standard Lamy converters and cartridges and standard Lamy nibs. This pen has many similarities with the pur, the st and the Logo, so let’s start there before going on to the differences. All but the highest end of the Lamy…

Lamy Logo Fountain Pen Review

Lamy Logo Fountain Pen Review

The Lamy Logo is a stainless steel fountain pen. It’s available with a wide range of nibs and will take Lamy’s proprietary cartridges or converter. It costs £29.50 from The Pen Company, who originally sent me this pen (some time ago) to review for their own blog. I’m republishing that review here more or less…

Lamy Accent Fountain Pen Meta-Review and Giveaway on United Inkdom

Monday’s review of the Lamy Accent is one-third of the latest United Inkdom Meta-Review. Head over to see what my illustrious handwriting and videoing colleagues thought of it. We’re also giving away a full set of the six Diamine Cult Pens Deep Dark inks.
