Newcastle Pen Show: An Interview with John Twiss

Newcastle Pen Show: An Interview with John Twiss

I have a confession to make: I’ve never been to a pen show. In part that’s because this whole pen thing is quite a personal thing (yet I have a blog all about it!), in part it’s because other people are, in general, quite scary (yet I was a teacher and now work in the…

Interview with Stuart Lennon of Nero’s Notes

Interview with Stuart Lennon of Nero’s Notes

A couple of years ago I interviewed Tony Short who had just started Pocket Notebooks, a company that rather unsurprisingly sold notebooks that would fit in your pocket. Pocket Notebooks is now owned by Stuart Lennon and has been rebranded as Nero’s Notes, Nero being the four-legged CEO of this new company. Nero’s Notes’ inventory…

Fulfilling a Kickstarter Campaign: An Interview with Kevin Hayes of Blank Forces

Fulfilling a Kickstarter Campaign: An Interview with Kevin Hayes of Blank Forces

I first interviewed Kevin just as his Kickstarter campaign for the X1 and X2 pens was getting going. The campaign proved to be highly successful, raising $78 621 (on an initial goal of $10 000). The pens themselves are wonderful. Of course, once the pledges are in, the hard work really begins. What’s it like,…

An Interview with J. Robert Lennon

An Interview with J. Robert Lennon

J. Robert Lennon writes wonderful books and has been writing his latest one using fountain pens. He is totally responsible for me buying a Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter and has helped me to embrace inks that are pink. I’m sure you’ll find this interview as fascinating as I did. What started your interest in fountain pens? My…

Behind a Kickstarter campaign: An interview with Kevin Hayes of Blank Forces

Behind a Kickstarter campaign: An interview with Kevin Hayes of Blank Forces

Kevin Hayes, also known as Blank Forces, has a very interesting Kickstarter campaign going at the moment. The EDC Ink is a keychain pen made from stainless steel and brass that uses D1 refills. It’s available in two sizes and a range of fascinating finishes. I need to stress that I haven’t tried one of…
