Field Notes Cherry Graph Notebook Mini-Review

Field Notes Cherry Graph Notebook Mini-Review

There’s no denying the Cherry Graph notebook is an amazing creation. The covers are made with an incredibly thin piece of real cherry wood. It’s an engineering marvel and it looks beautiful. Price: £8/$10 for three Size: 9cm by 14cm (3.5″ by 5.5″) Pages: 48 Ruling type: grid Paper: 75gsm/50lb Cover: made from wood! I…

Field Notes Notebook Review

Field Notes Notebook Review

Field Notes are most famous these days for their ‘Colors’ editions, released every three months and very much sought after. I’ve tried to avoid getting sucked into that rabbit hole because the completist in me would want them all but the curmudgeon in me would never pay some of the outrageous prices the rarest editions…

Field Notes No. 2 Pencil Review

Field Notes No. 2 Pencil Review

The Field Notes No. 2 pencil is a cedar wood pencil with a groovy green eraser. They cost around £4.50 for six in the UK. This is a round pencil with a natural finish. It smells absolutely fantastic. I accept that some people may think it’s a little weird to enjoy the smell of a…
