Diamine Night Sky Ink Review

Diamine Night Sky Ink Review

This is one of Diamine’s shimmery inks and it’s quite a tasteful one (unlike some). The silver sparkles nicely against the black and it really does feel like a crisp winter’s night sky. Here I am doodling the Inkling. You’re not going to get the best out of this ink in anything but the broadest…

Pilot Iroshizuku Take-Sumi Ink Review

Pilot Iroshizuku Take-Sumi Ink Review

Pilot Iroshizuku Take-Sumi is a great black, flat and neutral in tone, like a lump of coal. It’s not as black as, say, Aurora Black but it’s not far off. I really like this one. Here I am doodling the Inkling. You can find some more reviews of Pilot Iroshizuku Take-Sumi on Pennaquod. Many thanks…

Diamine Onyx Black Ink Review

Diamine Onyx Black Ink Review

Diamine Onyx Black is a good dark black ink. It’s the darkest of Diamine’s blacks and is quite a neutral colour, just as a real black should be. It’s a good wet ink but quite slow to dry. There’s some interesting sheen when the ink pools but that isn’t noticeable under normal usage.

Kaweco Pearl Black ink review

Kaweco Pearl Black ink review

This is a good neutral and very dark black. If that’s what you’re after I’d say it’s pretty much on a par with Aurora Black. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Many thanks to Kaweco for sending me this bottle to keep and review. I tried not to let their generosity influence my views in…

Private Reserve Black Cherry ink review

Private Reserve Black Cherry ink review

This is a great reddish purplish black with a little shading and good dry times. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Yet again, I used up all the sample in the pen and so couldn’t do my usual bits and pieces for the review.
