Some Links of Interest

Here are some articles I found interesting recently, plus one I was involved in that I’m rather proud of.

  • Fast Company published an article called “How To Buy A Paper Notebook That Brings You Joy” and asked Ana Reinert and I for our thoughts.
  • Scribble wrote about his visit to the London Stationery Show and is giving away the Kaweco Ice Sport he made there.
  • At this show, Desk of Adam picked up the award for Stationery Blogger of the Year.
  • Tessa over at All Things Stationery reviewed some Diamine Beethoven ink and also mentioned this:
  • Wick & Hide who, amongst other interesting things, offer a UK-based ink sampling subscription. The Goulet Ink Drop was great but shipping across the Atlantic always made it pricy and, unfortunately, it’s being discontinued. I’ve not signed up yet (I have more inks than even I know what to do with, just now) but it’s great to have this available.
  • If you prefer to pick your own samples of ink to try, rather than have the lucky dip of a monthly subscription, Pure Pens have a great range.

Finally, don’t forget about Pennaquod, which uses Google to search eighty-five pen and pencil review sites (and nothing else).

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