Lodmoor Nature Reserve

It’s fairly obvious that I love drawing and a huge part of why I’m driven to make pictures is the inspiring area in which I’m lucky enough to live. I live in a town, by the sea, but one of the even more special (and unusual, I think) features of Weymouth is that it has two RSPB nature reserves more or less within the town itself. One of these is Lodmoor, a saltmarsh with extensive reed beds. As well as enjoying watching the huge variety of birds (which very slowly I am learning to recognise), I love the sense of openness I get when I’m there and the way the light is always different but always beautiful.

A whole bunch of lapwings.

I’ve sketched and drawn several pictures from here. This one is special because it’s inspired by a photo I took early one morning during one of the lockdowns, when a walk around Lodmoor counted as my daily allowed exercise.

New Hopes, pencil on paper, A4

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