Cult Pens – The widest range of pens, pencils and refills on the planet!
Cult Pens have taken vast quantities of my money but they’ve taken it with grace. They’ve never failed to deliver the day after I’ve ordered (unless I’ve ordered in the evening of course). When I’ve asked them for advice they’ve been helpful and they’ve been lovely. They’ve almost always included a free gift with my order. A few months ago they had an insane amount of stock and since then they’ve doubled it. Twice as insane. More insane than the price of a set of Butcher Blue on eBay or of one of those fiddly Montegrappa thingies. Cult Pens stock lots of pens.
At the moment they have got some great deals going on including buy two get one free in OHTO products which means if you haven’t already spent all your money on Graphic Liners you now have no excuse not to do so.
Sadly Cult Pens are not paying me in money or pens to say any of this, although they are most welcome to do so retrospectively.