Short Ride in a Fast Machine

Short Ride in a Fast Machine

This picture is the largest I’ve drawn – A2 in size. Faces just don’t work it they’re drawn too small, at least, not as well (for me). Drawing in this size causes a few issues because I’m short of space. A3 pads and finished pictures fit onto the shelves I have but A2 doesn’t. This…

What? Now?

What? Now?

This is the second of what I plan on being a series of four pictures called “What now?” This one is, at least at the moment, called What? Now? This is my daughter, from a photo taken a few years ago on a hot and very tiring day out in Bath. It’s an A4 drawing,…

What Now

What Now

This A3 graphite pencil drawing is the first in what will be a series of four drawings I’m calling “What Now”. I love drawing pictures that ask questions. In this case, you might not know the question but you can have a pretty good guess at the answer…
