Art4Action is an online gallery where 25% of the sales goes to charity. (They take just 5% to run the site and the rest goes to the artist.)
I now have a lot of my work on there but I’d encourage you to spend some time browsing what’s on offer. There is an awful lot of really wonderful work and it’s all very reasonably priced.
Finding out about Art4Action, which coincidentally is run just down the road from me, was rather serendipitous because I’ve been thinking a lot about how I can use my drawing for good causes. I’m working on starting a project with a local charity which I’m quite excited about but don’t want to talk about yet (sorry!) but signing up with Art4Action has prompted me to, from now on, donate 25% of all my sales to local charities. This will be the Lantern Trust to begin with. The Lantern Trust work with homeless and at risk people to help get them the right kind of support. They are good people doing good work.