J. Herbin Emerald of Chivor Ink Review

J. Herbin Emerald of Chivor Ink Review

Oh my goodness gracious me. What colour is this ink? It’s quite blue, with green, a fair amount of red around the edges, and then there’s the gold thrown in. No wonder it’s causing such a sensation. It’s a very special ink indeed. Here I am doodling the Inkling. This sample was sent to me…

J. Herbin Rouge Hematite 1670 Ink Review

J. Herbin Rouge Hematite 1670 Ink Review

I completely misspelled this in the review! I’m on a roll with my bad spelling at the moment. This is a bright jolly red that dries quickly. With an average kind of nib it’s hard to notice the gold sheen at all but with a big fat wet nib, or a dip pen, or a…

Diamine Matador Ink Review

Diamine Matador Ink Review

Here’s another lovely red ink that the Fool With a Pen kindly sent me. It’s bright and cheery without getting silly. There’s a touch of shading to lift it from the page. I like it very much. Here I am doodling the Inkling. You can find some more reviews of Diamine Matador on Pennaquod.

Diamine Red Dragon Ink Review

Diamine Red Dragon Ink Review

Not so long ago I realised, shockingly, that I didn’t have very many red inks. I asked on Twitter for suggestions and the cleverest Fool With a Pen there is very kindly sent me a handful of samples. This is my favourite of the lot, a rich and sophisticated red that I absolutely love. Great…

Montblanc Winter Glow Ink Review

Montblanc Winter Glow Ink Review

This ink crept up on me. When I first tried it out I thought it was rather pleasant but after a while I realised it’s a really very unusual and beautiful shade of red. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Many thanks to Chris Stafford for sending me this sample.
