Private Reserve Spearmint Ink Review

Private Reserve Spearmint is a very saturated ink with some nice shading and good dry times (although not everyone has found this to be so). It’s a gorgeous shade of green. Here I am doodling the Inkling. You can find some more reviews of Private Reserve Spearmint on Pennaquod.

Private Reserve Buttercup Ink Review

Private Reserve Buttercup Ink Review

Yellow inks always look so lovely but aren’t usually very practical as they can be hard to read. This is quite a strong yellow so better than most but still a little difficult, particularly in low light. It is a lovely colour. Here I am doodling the Inkling.

Private Reserve Plum Ink Review

Private Reserve Plum Ink Review

Private Reserve Plum is a fairly standard purple, with just a little shading and fairly lengthy dry times. I struggled to get the colour right with this one but what’s on my screen is about the same as the ink. Obviously screens vary a lot but I do what I can do…
