Platinum Mix-Free Aqua Blue ink review

Platinum Mix-Free Aqua Blue ink review

Platinum’s Mix-Free range is made so you can mix the different inks together and create your own colours. I haven’t gone down that particular rabbit hole yet but that’s okay because the unmixed colours are bright and interesting in their own right. This particular blue is a good example: bright and vibrant; quick drying; and…

Platinum Double R3 Action multipen review

Platinum Double R3 Action multipen review

The Platinum Double Action R3 sounds like some kind of video game controller but is in fact a three-way multipen. It’s available in five different translucent colours for about £5 (around $8) from Cult Pens, who sponsored this post. There’s also a more expensive steel version. The barrel holds a 0.5mm pencil and two D1…

Comparison of D1 Refills (Part one)

Comparison of D1 Refills (Part one)

There are many many pens that take D1 refills, including a couple that I’ve reviewed here and several on Kickstarter. The new Retro 51 Tornado Touch also uses one. A D1 refill, if you don’t know, is a mini refill commonly used in pocket pens or multipens. There are as many D1 refills as there…

Platinum #3776 Sai fountain pen review

The Platinum #3776 Sai is by far the most expensive pen I own (even though I got it on special offer from Cult Pens). It is also, without doubt, the most beautiful. I have other demonstrators and some look lovely but they don’t sparkle like the Platinum #3776 Sai sparkles. This series is named after…
