Chocolate Brownie Mini Pencil Case Review

Chocolate Brownie Mini Pencil Case Review

A bonus little review this week, of this absolutely beautiful pencil case. I backed this on Kickstarter and if I remember rightly it was delivered on time. It’s available online for $38 Australian, which works out at about $29 US or £20. It’s made from New Zealand waxed leather. It’s long enough to hold most…

Kokuyo NeoCritz Transformer pencil case review

Kokuyo NeoCritz Transformer pencil case review

When I first saw the name of this I got entirely the wrong idea about what Transformer meant. I had visions of robots and terrible sequels and never being able to get the toys back the way they were. Fortunately I eventually worked out that these were something different. The transformation comes when you peel…
