J. Herbin 1670 Stormy Grey Ink Review

J. Herbin 1670 Stormy Grey Ink Review

J. Herbin are certainly making a scene with their 1670 range of sparkly inks. In a large part this must be because they are so photogenic. In day to day use Stormy Grey hides it’s sparkle and comes across as a fairly average dark grey, maybe with an occasional hint of gold here and there.…

Private Reserve Shoreline Gold ink review

Private Reserve Shoreline Gold ink review

This is an interesting colour with good shading. It was a little runny for my dip pen. Private Reserve inks need a little care with some pens. I do like this colour, though. Here I am doodling the Inkling.

Pilot Iroshizuku Ina-Ho (Rice Ear) ink review

This ink is sometimes gold, sometimes green, sometimes brown, sometimes beautiful, sometimes rather unpleasant. What it also is, is interesting. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Sometimes they pretty much draw themselves. Irene is my favourite Inkling so far. But who were her visitors??? Would you like your very own Inklings and also support this…
