Nomadic PE-06 Pencil Case

I rather suspect that on Monday I will be backing a new Kickstarter project and beginning an impatient wait for a new pen case but in the meantime, here is what I use every day to keep my currently inked pens in. I’m a person who finds it difficult to make choices (can you tell?!)…

Inked on 28th September 2013

First of all, what is this? TWO pens without Diamine ink in them? What’s going on? It was the Vert Olive that seduced me. What an amazing colour. So here is the story: I ordered some Vert Olive from a place on eBay because Cult Pens didn’t have any in stock. Because I don’t seem…

Inked on 21st September 2013

Faber-Castell Ambition, Faber-Castell e-motion, Pilot Prera, Pilot Elite, A. G. Spalding Maple Wood Orange, Rotring Esprit, Rotring Freeway, Kaweco Classic Sport. You may spot a couple of themes with the ink… I thought I’d post the picture with the pens uncapped this week. Sorry it’s not such a great photo, I’m in England which means…
