J. Herbin Caroube de Chypre Ink Review

J. Herbin Caroube de Chypre Ink Review

This year’s sparkly J. Herbin ink is Caroube de Chypre, a chocolatey brown with gold sparkles. It’s too dark for me and the sparkles only really work with a dip pen or a very broad wet nib (or a straw!). I was playing around with a dip pen and doing a very bad job of…

Pilot Iroshizuku Tsukushi Ink Review

Pilot Iroshizuku Tsukushi Ink Review

Tsukushi means horsetail and this ink is indeed very horsey coloured. Not my favourite colour, to be honest, but there’s some hints of sheen to it. It flows well and dries quickly. Here I am doodling the Inkling. You can find some more reviews of Tsukushi on Pennaquod.

Noodle’s Antietam Ink Review

Noodle’s Antietam Ink Review

This is a lovely colour, a rich red-brown. The ink flows well and dries reasonably quickly. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Many thanks to Kyle for sending me this sample! You can find some more reviews of Noodler’s Antietam on Pennaquod.

Diamine Autumn Oak Ink Review

Diamine Autumn Oak Ink Review

Diamine Autumn Oak is a lovely brown ink that shades beautifully and really does make you think of autumn leaves. I keep getting the name confused with Ancient Copper, as you see. Here I am doodling the Inkling. You can find some more reviews of Diamine Autumn Oak on Pennaquod.
