From left to right:
A variety of Moleskines: Cahiers, volants, a sketchbook, some lined, one squared, most plain. (A blast from the past: they’re all used but I don’t buy them anymore.)
Two Muji plain pocket books. (These are rather nice.)
Four Calepino notebooks in Davis Leatherworks covers. (A plain one for my pocket, a squared one for work, a lined one for writing ‘three plus one’ good things every day, a plain one for work.) Calepinos are my absolute favourites.
Three orange Rhodia notebooks, all squared. (I have another one that’s at work.)
Brown leather Monsieur notebook. This is what I’m doing my ink reviews in.
Black Rhodia webnotebook, lined, which I’m using as a kind of journal.
Plain Field Notes. I got these with the Davis Leatherworks covers.
Packets of Calepino notebooks, each containing used notebooks and/or new ones ready to spring into action.