Roterfaden Update 2018

Roterfaden Update 2018

To say the Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter is a notebook cover is like saying Stonehenge is a load of big stones. It’s true but rather misses the point. I first reviewed my Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter back in May 2015 and at the time was still perhaps a little shellshocked by how much I’d spent on it (€109). It…

Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter Update

Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter Update

I’ve had my old Roterfaden for a little while now and it’s been a couple of months since I published my review here. One thing about writing a review of something like this is that it really gets you thinking about how you’re using it. That, combined with a new iPad mini and the arrival…

Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter Organiser and Notebook Cover Review

Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter Organiser and Notebook Cover Review

The Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter is a notebook cover/organiser on steroids. It costs anything from €69 to the equivalent of a small house, depending on your configuration (more on that later). The one I’m reviewing here cost €109. The Taschenbegleiter has a huge number of options. So many, in fact, that Roterfaden provide a TASCHENBEGLEITER KONFIGURATOR. The…
