J. Herbin Caroube de Chypre Ink Review

J. Herbin Caroube de Chypre Ink Review

This year’s sparkly J. Herbin ink is Caroube de Chypre, a chocolatey brown with gold sparkles. It’s too dark for me and the sparkles only really work with a dip pen or a very broad wet nib (or a straw!). I was playing around with a dip pen and doing a very bad job of…

J. Herbin Rouge Caroubier Ink Review

J. Herbin Rouge Caroubier Ink Review

This is a very red red. By which I mean there isn’t much in the way of purple or green or orange in there. This is good if what you want is a red that’s truly red, not so good if you find that boring. Here I am doodling the Inkling. This isn’t the best…

J. Herbin 1670 Bleu Ocean Ink Review

J. Herbin 1670 Bleu Ocean Ink Review

This is a pretty boring blue ink until you get the golden shimmer shining through. Then it’s very pretty. It does need a fat wet nib to make the most out of it. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Here’s the pretty shimmer. Thank you to both Pure Pens and Paul Joynes for sending me…

J. Herbin 1670 Stormy Grey Ink Review

J. Herbin 1670 Stormy Grey Ink Review

J. Herbin are certainly making a scene with their 1670 range of sparkly inks. In a large part this must be because they are so photogenic. In day to day use Stormy Grey hides it’s sparkle and comes across as a fairly average dark grey, maybe with an occasional hint of gold here and there.…
