Galen Leather Notebook Cover and Wallet Review and Giveaway

Galen Leather Notebook Cover and Wallet Review and Giveaway

Galen Leather produce a couple of versions of their wallet/pocket notebook combination. They sent me the one with two horizontal credit card slots and I’ve been using it since it arrived (about three months now). I liked it and so as I’m no longer keeping products that have been sent to me I bought one…

Start Bay Notebook Cover Review and Giveaway

Start Bay Notebook Cover Review and Giveaway

Start Bay is a little bay on the south Devon coast here in England. It’s also home to Start Bay Notebooks, makers of these simple leather notebook covers. Thank you to Start Bay Notebooks for sending me these covers to review (and to give away, see below). These are my own honest opinions. These are…

William Hannah Notebook Review

William Hannah Notebook Review

I have been known to make some expensive notebook purchases in my time but even I was doubting the sanity of some of my stationery blogging colleagues when they were getting so excited about what seemed to be a simple leather notebook cover for £90 a pop. Then I was sent one to review and…

Atoma and Arc Notebook Systems

Atoma and Arc Notebook Systems

When my illustrious United Inkdom colleague Mr. S Monboddo sent me a customised Atoma/Rhodia notebook, my interest was piqued. Here was a notebook system that had the potential to be everything I needed it to be for work. Specifically, for my work, I want all these things: pages I can remove so I can scan…

Paper Republic Grand Voyageur Notebook Review

Paper Republic Grand Voyageur Notebook Review

Paper Republic’s Grand Voyageur is a notebook system consisting of a leather cover and a range of refills. Available direct from Paper Republic, the smaller version I’m reviewing here costs €40 for a cover and plain refill, with free embossing of your initials should you so wish. Mine is the cognac version – covers are…
