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  • Platinum #3776 Sai fountain pen review
    The Platinum #3776 Sai is by far the most expensive pen I own (even though I got it on special offer from Cult Pens). It is also, without doubt, the most beautiful. I have other demonstrators and some look lovely but they don’t sparkle like the Platinum #3776 Sai sparkles. This series is named after Mount ...
  • Diamine Aqua Blue ink review
    Diamine Aqua Blue is a bright turquoise-y ink. Not a lot of shading but enough to lift it from the page a little. I found it to be quite wet. Here I am doodling the Inkling. You’ll notice quite a pause (even in this highly speeded up version). I struggled to think of what to draw! ...
  • Pilot Iroshizuku Kiri-Same (Autumn Shower) ink review
    Despite Informal Scribble’s praise of Pilot Iroshizuku Kiri-Same in his wonderful review, I would not personally have chosen a grey ink. This bottle was a Christmas present. It turns out that Mr Scribble was completely correct and this is a beautiful ink. There’s so much shading, it goes from pale grey to not far off ...
  • Zebra PenPod ballpoint pen review
    I don’t tend to review ballpoint pens here because I don’t like them very much. As such, I feel it’s better to leave their reviews to people who can appreciate them more. I wanted to review the Zebra PenPod though because it is a groovy little pen. I received this as a freebie, as part of ...
  • Diamine Monaco Red ink review
    My current favourite red. Stuart over at Informal Scribble sent me a sample and I liked it so much I had to buy some. It has quite a brown side to it, this one, as well as a touch of orange from certain angles, if you catch it unawares. It’s a Diamine ink so it behaves ...