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  • Clairefontaine Europa Notemaker notebook reviewClairefontaine Europa Notemaker notebook review
    This is a review of the A5 lemon yellow version of the Clairefontaine Europa Notemaker. It’s also available in A4 size and in blue, pink, green and purple. There are 120 pages (60 sheets). The cardboard cover is stiff enough to make for comfortable writing if resting the notebook on your lap. Of course, being cardboard, ...
  • Sailor Jentle Epinard ink reviewSailor Jentle Epinard ink review
    This is a gorgeous rich dark ink with hints of red from certain angles. It’s quick drying, shades well and is beautiful. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Thank you to The Writing Desk for sending me this sample. If you would like to buy this ink direct from The Writing Desk look here.
  • Pelikan M215 fountain pen reviewPelikan M215 fountain pen review
    The Pelikan M215 is an amazing pen. It is virtually faultless. It is a piston-filling pen that holds a good amount of ink. The piston mechanism is smooth and has the feel of precision engineering. There is not wiggle or wobble and it glides in the most luxurious way. There is a window just above the ...
  • Comparison of D1 Refills (Part one)Comparison of D1 Refills (Part one)
    There are many many pens that take D1 refills, including a couple that I’ve reviewed here and several on Kickstarter. The new Retro 51 Tornado Touch also uses one. A D1 refill, if you don’t know, is a mini refill commonly used in pocket pens or multipens. There are as many D1 refills as there are ...
  • De Atramentis Document Ink Dark Blue reviewDe Atramentis Document Ink Dark Blue review
    A good waterproof and permanent ink can come in useful (addressing envelopes, signing things and so on). I think this might be the one for me. It’s a good shade of blue and it dries incredibly quickly. Here I am doodling the Inkling. Here is a water test. Thank you to The Writing Desk for sending me this ...