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  • Organics Studio Nickel Teal ink reviewOrganics Studio Nickel Teal ink review
    This is a very subtle and delicate pale turquoise-y ink. It may get lost with a fine nib but it is beautiful with something broader. It has good shading and is very pretty. Here I am doodling the Inkling. I misspelled ‘nickel’ because I am an idiot. Organics Studio inks are lovely inks and good value. Thank you ...
  • Twiss Custom Fountain Pen in Patriotic Acrylic – review and giveawayTwiss Custom Fountain Pen in Patriotic Acrylic - review and giveaway
    John Twiss makes custom pens to order. This is one such pen and as such it is unique. It is also very lovely – and it could be yours! Read on to find out how. The pen is made from what John calls ‘Patriotic Acrylic’. It’s a beautiful combination of shimmery red, blue and silvery white. ...
  • Aurora Black ink reviewAurora Black ink review
    The primary purpose of a black ink is to be black. Aurora Black ink is very black. It’s also quick drying and well behaved. This is one of my favourite black inks (on account of its blackness). Here I am doodling the Inkling. Thank you to The Writing Desk for sending me this sample. If you would ...
  • Copic Multiliner SP drawing pen reviewCopic Multiliner SP drawing pen review
    The Copic Multiliner SP is my favourite drawing pen. It’s also pretty good for writing with. Copic make disposable Multiliners and refillable Multiliner SPs. The SPs have aluminium barrels that are a pleasure to hold and use. They are light but feel well constructed, making them perfect for extended periods of writing or drawing. Replacement tips ...
  • Pelikan Edelstein Topaz ink reviewPelikan Edelstein Topaz ink review
    This is a beautiful blue ink. It has wonderful shading and dries quickly. This and Kiri-Same are the only inks I always have in use (at the moment). Here I am doodling the Inkling.